Many people are affected by multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s. These neurological disorders are accompanied with numerous symptoms that can have a significant impact on day-to-day life: severe fatigue, paralysis, muscle stiffness, vision problems, slow movement, balance disorders, etc...

In addition to the importance of psychological support to avoid isolation and withdrawal, exercising is now highly recommended to improve the patient’s quality of life. The physiotherapist thus plays a vital role in managing the disease.

2 300 000

Of people suffer of Multiple Sclerosis in the world*


New cases are diagnosed each week in the United States**

10 000 000

People worldwide are living with Parkinson's disease***

* World Health Organization
** Healthline
*** Parkinson's Disease Foundation


With its motorized platform and handles equipped with force sensors, HUBER 360® EVOLUTION helps you to support yourself, become more confident in your movements, and bear your weight better on your feet while strengthening your muscles (upper and lower limbs, torso). HUBER 360® EVOLUTION makes you concentrate and increases effectiveness by having you follow the target on the screen. In this way, you are able to develop your cognitive abilities as well as your physical abilities. It provides a means to counter the different debilitating effects that these diseases can cause, so you can quickly get back to doing everyday activities.

Discover Huber® technology


  • In addition to overall muscular strengthening, training with the HUBER® system offers targeted and specific proprioception and balance exercises. Remarkably intense stimulation of psychomotor functions has also been noted. The walking speed of patients with multiple sclerosis improved after only ten HUBER® workouts.” Dr. Benoît Maertens.

    (Source: Annual Meeting of Rehabilitation in Multiple Sclerosis (RIMS) XVIII Technical Workshop; 10-12 May 2006, Barcelona)

    Dr. Benoit Maertens
    Chief of Rehabilitation Services at CNRF de Fraiture (Belgium)


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